Our ambition: Sustainability

As a mid-sized family-owned business, we play an active role in our society. And for us being active means: Having a sense of social commitment and acting with responsibility.

Responsibility for tomorrow’s world

Here at our premises in Glinde, everything runs on green energy. Since 2008, our production uses 100% eco-electricity from Greenpeace Energy and we have changed all lighting to energy-saving LEDs. We receive all printed products from an eco-certified printery in the region. As a result, we have already saved nearly 1000 tons of CO2.

Wir arbeiten mit Ökostrom von GREEN PLANET ENERGY
Wir sind neugierig
Children are our future

Which is why we have supported the SOS Children’s Village Brandenburg for more than twenty years. Our commitment here contributes to ensuring that disadvantaged children and adolescents, together with their families, can look forward to developing well and having a future full of hope.

Bildung ist es uns wert
Unsere Umwelt-Leitlinien
Good Manners

Displaying good manners among all of the employees and in relation to our customers and suppliers is of central importance to us.

Our Code of Conduct is available here